Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra: Benjamin Zander Conducting Barber, Mozart, and Mahler with Sofia Fomina, soprano
Benjamin Zander Conducting Sofia Fomina, soprano Barber, Mozart, and Mahler

Symphony Hall
Symphony Hall, Boston, MA

Performance Details
Nov 19, 2021, 8:00pm EST
There will be no pre-concert Guide to the music with Benjamin Zander before the concert.
As with the BPO, the first concert of the BPYO season is a direct response to the experiences we have all shared during the past year. Separated from each other for so long, we will return to Symphony Hall to hear the BPYO perform Barber’s heart-rending Adagio. From Barber’s sadness, we will move to Mozart’s exuberant symphony, the “Haffner.” And then Mahler’s Fourth—The Fourth Symphony is possibly the most beautiful composition Mahler ever wrote. Leading Covent Garden soprano, Sofia Fomina, who can be heard on the recent London Philharmonic recording with Vladimir Jurowski, is our “as to the manner born” soloist. -Benjamin Zander, conductor