Andris Nelsons conducts Beethoven and Orff's Carmina burana

Koussevitzky Music Shed, Lenox/Stockbridge, MA
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Andris Nelsons, conductor
Erin Morley, soprano
Reginald Mobley, countertenor
Will Liverman, baritone
Tanglewood Festival Chorus
James Burton, conductor
Boston Children’s Chorus
Emily Howe, conductor
Kenneth Griffith, music director
BEETHOVEN Leonore Overture No. 3
ORFF Carmina burana
Sung in Latin with English supertitles
This afternoon's concert is in memory of Stephen R. Weber, supported by Dr. Dorothy A. Weber.
This afternoon’s performance by the Tanglewood Festival Chorus is supported by the Alan J. and Suzanne W. Dworsky Fund for Voice and Chorus.