Handel and Haydn Society—Harry, Haydn + Mozart

Symphony Hall
Symphony Hall, Boston, MA
Haydn: Symphony No. 49, La passione
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore
Hildegard von Bingen: O filie Israhel (“Daughters of Israel”)
Hildegard von Bingen: Flos campi (“Flowers of the field”)
Raphaella Aleotti: Vidi speciosam (“I saw a beauty”)
Raphaella Aleotti: Surge propera amica mea (“Arise, my dear friend”)
Mozart: Mass in C Major, Coronation
Performed by
Harry Christophers, conductor
Joélle Harvey, soprano
Helen Charlston, mezzo-soprano
Aaron Sheehan, tenor
Matthew Brook, bass-baritone
H+H Orchestra and Chorus
Boston music lovers, mark your calendars: Harry Christophers returns to H+H in his first appearance as Conductor Laureate, with the music he does best. Following a smile-inducing Haydn symphony, the spotlight falls on the renowned H+H Chorus for two of Mozart’s great masterworks. Then, Harry adds a special treat: haunting, sublime a cappella choral gems from two women composers, Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179) and Raphaella Aleotti (1575–1646). Join us for this joyful reunion!