Andris Nelsons conducts León, Khachaturian, and Tchaikovsky featuring Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano

Koussevitzky Music Shed, Lenox/Stockbridge, MA
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Andris Nelsons, conductor
Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano
Tania LEÓN Stride
TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 6, Pathétique
In tribute to Serge Koussevitzky’s legacy, Andris Nelsons and the BSO dedicate this concert series to the trailblazer. In the spirit of Koussevitzky’s passion for promoting contemporary music and composers, this concert features Tania León's STRIDE, a Pulitzer prize-winning work of resilience and surprise.
Jean-Yves Thibaudet also joins for Khachaturian’s vibrant, colorful Piano Concerto, and the concert ends with Tchaikovsky’s moving, yearning Pathétique Symphony.
Tonight’s concert is generously supported by Bonnie and Terry Burman.
Tonight's performance by Jean-Yves Thibaudet is generously supported by Stephen Bardfield in memory of his mom, Gisele Klein Wolfson.

Performance Details
Jul 27, 2024, 8:00pm EDT
Program Notes & Works
Stride for orchestra
The Cuban-born American composer, pianist, and conductor Tania León won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for her orchestra work Stride.
Piano Concerto in D-flat, Opus 38
Khachaturian called the Piano Concerto the “first national concerto for piano,” and hoped it would be a model for other Soviet composers.
Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Opus 74, Pathétique
Tchaikovsky said of his Sixth Symphony, "I definitely find it my very best, and in particular the most sincere of all my compositions."