BSO Family Concert: May I Have Your Attention Please
(A musical look at getting, giving, and paying attention)

Koussevitzky Music Shed, Lenox/Stockbridge, MA
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Thomas Wilkins, conductor
RIMSKY-KORSAKOV “Flight of the Bumblebee” from The Tale of Tsar Sultan
ROSSINI Overture from La Scala di Seta
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 1, fourth movement
HAYDN Symphony No. 94, second movement
Jessie MONTGOMERY Starburst
BARTÓK Romanian Folk Dances
MENDELSSOHN Symphony No. 4, Italian, fourth movement
Gates open at 9am
Support for Youth and Family Concerts is provided by Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation, Brookline Youth Concerts Fund, Cambridge Community Foundation, Ellen Abbott Gilman Trust, M.S. and G.S. Morton Foundation, Patricia P. Lawrence, and Stevens Foundation.