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BSO, Pops, Tanglewood, and Symphony Hall Logos

Brian Lee

Brian Lee headshot


Brian Lee, from Belmont, MA, began learning the cello at the age of 7 with teacher Eugene Kim. Now 18, he is a rising senior at the Belmont Hill School. He currently serves as the associate principal cellist of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and has toured Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras, Corfu, Dodoni, and Delphi, performing with prominent soloists Zlatomir Fung and soprano Sofia Fomina. Recently Brian made his debut as orchestra soloist with the Wellesley Symphony after winning their 2022 Michael H. Welles Young Soloist competition. Brian has won first prize at the Massachusetts Music Teachers Association Bay State String Contest, the 5th Roman Totenberg Young Strings Competition, the American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music, and the Grand Prize of the Vision Competition. Outside of cello, Brian is both the captain of his school’s varsity Nordic ski team and a varsity coxswain, and loves coding, photography, and studying Latin and Greek. For tonight’s performance, Brian is playing on a cello made in 1850 by Parisian luthier Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, on generous loan from Carriage House Violins.