Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums

The Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums (MCV) was established in 1982 by Boston-area musicians who wished to further explore the traditional repertoires of the regimental fife and drum corps associated with the European or American armies during the American War for Independence, 1775-1783. Today MCV has evolved into a repertory ensemble performing martial, dance, and folk music drawn from 17th-19th century sources in America and Europe as well as contemporary compositions. Ultimately, MCV is about history and music, education and entertainment. MCV’s mission is to research, perform, and promote the music of the fife and drum, to celebrate its historic roots, and to pass this living tradition along by example and instruction. Recent U.S. performances have included Boston Business Improvement District (BID) and Harborfest events, Grand Illumination at Colonial Williamsburg in 2019, and an ongoing collaboration with the Boston Pops. Recent overseas tours have been to Canada (Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo), Switzerland (Basel Tattoo), and Scotland for the 2018 Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. MCV has produced nine albums since the 1990s and was featured on the 2017 Boston Pops album Lights, Camera…Music! Six Decades of John Williams.