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BSO, Pops, Tanglewood, and Symphony Hall Logos
March 15, 2024

BSAV Office Notes

Greetings BSAV Members!

Daylight savings, Tanglewood tickets on sale….it’s hard to believe summer will be here before we know it!

As you’ve been reading in the previous articles, there’s A LOT of energy and a lot going on right now at the BSO, and we all couldn’t be more excited.

While you have mostly read about what has happened, I wanted to highlight things to come and to put on your calendars for the coming months:

Boston Social Events

Monday, March 11, 11am: Monday, March 18, 6pm: Historical Instrument Collection Tours, Cohen Wing

Thursday, March 14, 6-7pm: Music 101, Rabb Room

Thursday March 28, 5:30pm: Rebranding Overview with Jesse Needleman, Vice-President of Marketing and Communications

Early April: Isabella Stewart Garner Museum meet-up: Early April – stay tuned for date!

Boston Recognition Event
Monday, May 20, 6-8pm, Higginson

Tanglewood Welcome Back
Tuesday, June 18, 2-4pm, Shed and Tent Club

BSAV Named Concert
Tanglewood and Boston BSAV Bus Trip
Sunday, August 11, 2:30p

In Memoriam

At the BSAV, we work hard to recognize the passing of valued members of our community and the time and dedication they have afforded us. We want to remember the following BSAV members who have passed since our last Quarter Notes issue:

Helen Adelman (Boston)

Susan “Sue” Dunham (Boston)

Phil Freedman (TWD)

Bobbie Gold (TWD)

Morty Josel (Tanglewood)

Jules Organ (Tanglewood)

Catherine Lillios Pappas (Boston)

Sandi Rubin (Tanglewood)

Tony Segal (TWD)

If you know of the passing of a fellow volunteer, please contact the BSAV office at so we may alert other volunteers.

New Volunteers

A huge thank you and welcome to our newest (Boston) BSAV members who have begun volunteering since our last issue!

Trish Chane

Jaclyn Dentino

Suzanne McGovern

Susan Mrose

Salva Yurista


Fun facts about the Boston Symphony’s history to keep you in the know.


Did you know how Tanglewood got its name? The 21-acre property was named Tanglewood by famous and beloved author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, who lived on the property in the 1850’s as a guest of the Tappan family. He lived in the red cottage that is near the Lion’s Gate with his family. The Tappan Family bestowed the property to the Boston Symphony Orchestra when the music festival was established.


Among the first volunteers to assist and help Boston Symphony Orchestra were a group of women in the area called the Society of Friends, whose sole purpose was to raise funds to help sustain the orchestra. This group threw dinner parties in their homes and tapped their friends to support the orchestra. It was a successful way to help fund the orchestra, and they were the BSO’s first fundraisers.

Thank you all and happy volunteering!

Erin Asbury
Director of Volunteer Services